This is the story of a family that came to Bruno’s Pet Shop at Whilton Locks Garden Village that were just about to adopt a dog. They came with many questions and we were more than happy to answer them and help with everything that was required for the new dogs new home. Hopefully this account will help you too, with any queries you may have with a new dog; the family have kindly let us follow the story of this particular pooch from the build up to his first days in his new home.
The dog is a rough-coated, short legged, Jack Russell Terrier cross or Smudge which is less of a mouthful. No-one is really sure what the ‘cross’ element is: there is something else there! He is around two years old. Smudge was found abandoned on Valentines Day and, after an unsuccessful time in the pound waiting for a claim, he was transferred to Rugby Paw Prints Rescue. He was given the name of Cupid and put on the adoption list. Whilst at Paw Prints, being a little underweight, Cupid (as he was known as there), was looked after, micro-chipped (he never had one), had the operation that little boy dogs really need, and gained both weight and confidence. A couple of people showed interest but it came to nothing but eventually Cupid was chosen by a family and he was due to be adopted. A week before, the family came to us.
Cupid was due a fresh start and his name was changed to Smudge – he responded well to the new name – also, to be fair, Sausage and Chicken too but with smudgy markings, Smudge seemed very apt for this little dog.
So what did Smudge need?
Firstly, in order to take Smudge away he needed a collar, lead and engraved tag. The family chose a matching collar and lead from our Doodlebone collection. Doodlebone are bold, bright, strong and stylish. The collar (£4.99) and the lead (£8.99) are made from high quality nylon to keep your dog safely under control. A name tag was chosen (£6.99) and it was engraved in-house for free; one side with the family surname, house number and postcode, the other with phone numbers.

Did You Know?
If you see a dog with a yellow ribbon, bandana or similar on the lead or on the dog, this is a dog which needs some space. This new initiative has been introduced to bring awareness to dogs who need space perhaps while training, recovering from surgery, or being rehabilitated. We suggested that one of these yellow bandanas should be also attached to the lead both for Smudge and the new family to safely get adjusted to each other, their new environment and surroundings.
The family were all set. The adoption forms were completed, house checks done – just a dog needed…and a few other purchases.
Coming Soon
Part Two “Tasty Treats and a Balanced Diet”
Part Three “Bits and Bobs for Messy Jobs”
Part Four “And So To Bed”