Cake and Tea – for 70p!

A mmmmmarvellous, majestic ma’amalade cake AND a cup of tea for only 70p!! That’s just one Queen’s penny for each of the glorious years of the Queen’s reign.

You are royally invited Friday 16th, Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th September to Whilton Locks Garden Village. It’s our little way to say thank you.

We are here to look after all of you who are bearing up with the very sad recent news.

We’d love to welcome as many of you as possible whether you are from Whilton, derive from Daventry, live in Long Buckby, hail from Harpole – or even deepest darkest Peru!

Bear with us: Cuppas and Cakes are subject to availability and whilst stocks last. T&C’s apply.

#letthemeatcake #crumbs #70gloriousyears

Oh and don’t forget to keep a marmalade sandwich under your hat in case of emergency!