Better Get Your Skates On!

Snow laughing matter!
“What’s that noise?“ Sme asked Grumpy Elf earlier.
“I can’t hear anything.” Grumped Grumpy Elf.
“What are you doing then?” Sme persisted.
“Shhhhh. I’m number crunching.” Grumpy Elf snapped.
“Well, that is what I can hear.” Said Sme.
“No! No. You can’t hear numbers crunching.” Grumpy Elf growled.
“I can.” Sme proclaimed “Every time you crunch a number it checks availability on our ice rink and, if it frees up space, I can hear people give a little cheer.”
“Smeeeeeeee!” Shouted Grumpy Elf “Go and see another Booking Elf!”
“Booking Elf isn’t in today.” Sme insisted.
“I didn’t say Booking Elf. Now skedaddle.” Grumpy Elf grinned.

Today it’s fab festive news for Pre-Christmas Ice Skating.
Grumpy Elf – to be honest I don’t know why he has that name – has been through the ice skating slots and set out exactly what is left – and it isn’t much! So if you’d like to book before Christmas, you’d better get your skates on! BOOK HERE NOW:

PLUS if you’d like to visit this weekend, there are just a few spaces available, for Ice Skating. You can book for this weekend HERE:

But wait—there’s myrrh.
“Smeeeeee! What are you doing on the ice?” Grumpy Elf called out.
“A triple salchow in the shape of an eight, double axel in the shape of a two, spinning in the shape of a number three…”
“Eh?” Grumpy Elf was puzzled.
“Well,” said Sme, gliding past in the shape of a number nine, “you were crunching the numbers so I decided to do some figure skating myself!”
Grumpy Elf took off his hat and scratched his head. “Well I guess it stops him singing his silly songs.”